issue three.
The “end of the world” came and went. Now we are left disoriented and wandering our wasteland— arid and depleted, overgrown and erratic. Our foundations remain, but we must learn to reimagine ourselves within a new framework. Nothing is as it used to be and now we must sift through the wreckage. Yet, there is beauty and potential in a wasteland and what may lie beyond it. Let us mourn what we’ve lost, and embrace the euphoria following our nadir. Through this third issue, we will harvest this wasteland.
americanis familiaris
R. S. Brandriff is a writer, poet, and software developer living in the American Southwest with their two cats and far too many coffee mugs. They write about love, neurodivergency, and the apocalypse, with poetry upcoming in Sledgehammer Lit. You can find them on Twitter @_hedgebones, and on their website,, where new microfiction and poetry are published weekly.
FOR REMINGTON: “How to Erase My Address from the Map”
Leiz Chan is a third year English and creative writing major from Des Moines, Iowa. She has a huge heart for reading, writing fiction, and powerlifting in her spare time. Currently, she lives in Iowa City with her fifteen pound cat Theodore, her partner, and an apartment full of hummus.
bone stories
R. S. Brandriff is a writer, poet, and software developer living in the American Southwest with their two cats and far too many coffee mugs. They write about love, neurodivergency, and the apocalypse, with poetry upcoming in Sledgehammer Lit. You can find them on Twitter @_hedgebones, and on their website,, where new microfiction and poetry are published weekly.
0pportunity 03
Doug Balster is a fourth year student at University of Iowa. He is pursuing a creative writing degree and one day hopes to write impactful stories for games and movies. Some of his favorite pastimes are playing Fate Grand Order and D&D, listening to Lofi, and attending conventions.
Who You Come Out To
Lara Boyle is a Jewish, autistic, lesbian writer. She studies creative writing at Queens University of Charlotte. When not writing, she can be found reading or playing with her big red dog, Boomer, who failed service dog training because he loves people too much. Her work has been published in The Farside Review, where she’s a staff writer, Lesbians are Miracles Magazine, Moonchild Magazine, Herstry Blog, WomenAdvaNCe, and Signet Literary Magazine.
AP Existentialism: Final Exam
Sylvi Warshaver Stein is a freshman at Columbia University and a lover of poetry, prose, art, photography, the ocean, sunsets, and the moon. Her work has been recognized by the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest, and Gotham Writers Workshop.
stuffing my body into the mailbox limb by limb
Amanda Pendley is a recent graduate in English and creative writing from the University of Iowa. She is spending her gap year manifesting the wardrobe of a Parisian poet and a future fit for a movie screen. She finds inspiration in illuminated tarot cards, maximalism, and fresh fruit.
Rabbit and Wolf Taste the Human Vintage
John T. Bennett is a graduate student studying psychology at Wake Forest University. His literary interests are currently in Greek tragedy, Nietzsche, and the Beats. John is a U.S. Army combat veteran with five deployments. He now enjoys catching up on time away by being together with his family and three dogs. His Twitter is @JohnBen46646181.
spring cleaning // propagation season
Amanda Pendley is a recent graduate in English and creative writing from the University of Iowa. She is spending her gap year manifesting the wardrobe of a Parisian poet and a future fit for a movie screen. She finds inspiration in illuminated tarot cards, maximalism, and fresh fruit.
“The King of Forgotten and In-Between”
—After “Sea” by BTS
Lindsay Stenico is a poet and fiction writer from Western Massachusetts and graduated from Westfield State University with a BA in Communication and English. Her work can be found in Discretionary Love, Otherwords Press, Proving Ground Online Magazine, and Persona. Additionally, she has poetry forthcoming from Dream Glow Magazine and The Elpis Pages: A Collective edited by Kayla King. She procrastinates by scrolling on Twitter as @lindsay_stenico, on Instagram as @dreamswitheyesopen, and on Tik Tok as @oopsanotherbooknerd. She also writes blog posts ranging from book reviews to thoughts on being a writer over on her website
The Earth Will Still Remain
Elyssa Tappero is a queer pagan who writes prose and poetry about mental illness, paganism/spirituality, queerness, nature and disasters, and how it feels to be alive for the end of the world (which is pretty not great) in hopes of touching others who might feel the same. You can find more of her work at and follow her on Twitter at @OnlyFragments.